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An Overview of English


Children from nursery to year 2 follow Read, write Inc.  scheme for reading and phonics. These books provide a variety of fiction and non- fiction texts for the children to enjoy and are closely matched to the sounds being learnt in phonics. Regular assessments take place to ensure children can read the books accurately and the appropriate colour banded book is sent home. These books are also used for children in key stage 2 who need phonics lessons.

In addition to these books we also still use The Oxford Reading Tree scheme for most children not using Read, Write Inc.  These books are colour banded and every term we assess the children’s reading skills through PGM benchmarking scheme. As children progress they move from The Oxford Tree reading books to free library choice. A greater emphasis is placed on reading comprehension skills such as inference, prediction, deduction and information retrieval. Regular guided reading sessions are implemented into weekly lessons to improve reading and comprehension skills further.


At St Joseph The Worker we follow the ‘Power Of Reading’ Scheme, using quality based texts over a half term and creating lots of opportunities to produce many different pieces of writing within one unit. We also use this text to map out ideas into our topic work across the curriculum. Many classes will give home school projects linked to the text they are studying.


The teaching of phonics is taught through Read, Write Inc.  from nursery to year 2. (KS2 children who need additional phonics also receive Read, Write Inc. lessons) Daily hourly lessons take place in KS1 and 30 minutes in early years. Half termly assessments take place which inform phonics groups in early years and KS1.

Parent guide to Read Write Inc. Phonics | Oxford Owl

Hear the Sounds

Free, unlimited access to selected games and teaching ideas across several phases – play these as many times as you like!


The teaching of handwriting is taught through ‘Letter-join’ which is an online handwriting resource.  This is taught from nursery to year 6.

Pupils are encouraged to develop fluent lines of correctly orientated letters from an early age and emergent writing is encouraged. Letter formation and handwriting is taught and modelled using a range of resources. Pen licenses are given to children in key stage 2 who display a consistent fluent joined handwriting style.

If you would like to find out anything further about these schemes please find below some websites which will give you more information.

Core Text Displays

Pictures of our English displays linked to the reading books we have studied


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