Our Class Blog:
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Welcome to Our Year 5 Class Page!
We have had an excellent start to Year 5 already, our wonderful children have adapted well to their new surroundings and routines! We are so proud of them! We are really looking forward to the new school year, and we hope to make lots more amazing memories and achieve more than ever before.
Our Year 5 team:
Teachers: Miss Wynne-Jones
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Crozier
Important information:
- Spellings – These will be sent on a Friday and should be practised throughout the next week ready for the test that following Friday
- PE – Our PE day is every Wednesday. Children should come into school wearing their PE kit. They will remain in their kit all day.
- Snack –Children should bring a healthy snack and non-fizzy drink
- Reading books– These should be returned as regularly as possible. We have an excellent free online reading library that the children or parents can use on electronic devices https://sjtwcps.eplatform.co/
- Times Tables Rockstars– Children have their log in’s stuck in their home jotters and should be accessing at least twice during the school week.
Autumn Term Learning
Come and See – In Come and See this term we will be exploring the Christian teachings and values within the varied topics of: Mission, Memorial Sacrifice and Sacrifice. In other faiths, we are excited to be learning about Judaism and the significance of Passover.
Maths – As mathematicians, we will;
- Round to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000
- Compare and order numbers to 100,000
- Read Roman numerals to 1,000 (M) and recognise years written in Roman numerals
- Add and subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits, including using formal written methods
- Solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems
- Read and interpret line graphs
- Identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs of a number, and common factors of 2 numbers
- Use the vocabulary of prime numbers, prime factors and composite (non-prime) numbers
Our core text this term is called ‘Beetle Boy’ written by M G Leonard. It is an imaginative novel about thirteen-year-old Darkus Cuttle’s search for his kidnapped father and discovery of a mountain of extraordinary beetles.
Our science lessons will focus on two areas, knowledge and understanding and working scientifically. Each unit will incorporate both aspects to give children a deeper understanding of the topic being learned. The topics we will learn in autumn term are:
- Earth & Space
- Animals including Humans
Useful Links
- Times Table Rock Stars- https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/30129 (you will need our school postcode L329PF)
- Sats Companion- https://app.satscompanion.com/login
- Google Drive Help https://stjosephtheworkercps.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/GDrive-Childrens-Instructions.pdf
- BBC Bitesize KS2- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zbr9wmn
- Oak National Academy- https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-key-stage/key-stage-2
- Our School Twitter Page- https://twitter.com/josephworkersch