We usually have three daily options on our school dinner menu that are shared with the children each morning to allow them to make their dinner choice for that day. Sandwiches and Jacket potatoes are always available with a choice of ham, cheese or tuna.
Dinner Money
The price of a meal is £2.10 per day, £10.50 per week. Dinner money is collected on a Friday morning in advance. You can either:
- Pay by cash at the school office.
- Send it in an envelope (with the child’s name marked clearly on it) and hand it to their class teacher.
- Pay online through Parent Pay. To set this up please call to the school office and Mrs Cullinane will give a user name and password to set up an account.
School dinners for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2:
There are free school dinners for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The meals are nutritious and it will save you time and money in the preparation of a daily packed lunch.
Changes to free school meal eligibility: click here to view or call in to the school office.
If you think that you may be eligible for free school meals (even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 please make an application. This will help us to provide the best education & support for your child by making sure that if your child is eligible for the Pupil Premium (Free School Meals) that we receive this funding. You can do this be calling into the school office for an application form.
For every child registered for FSM the school will receive an additional £1,320
With this money we purchase additional resources and equipment, employ more staff to help provide additional support for children who attend this school and subsidise trips on behalf of your child.