Our Class Blog:
A fantastic way to keep in touch with you teachers and class friends!
Our Year 2 team are:
Mrs Reddin ( Class Teacher)
Mrs Westwood ( Teaching Assistant)
Welcome back to a brand new school year. The children look so smart and are settling well into year 2. We have lots of exciting lessons planned across the curriculum for the next eight weeks. The children are excited to start working hard again.
This half term our core texts is ‘Wild’ by Emily Hughes and ‘The Emperor’s Egg’ The children will be exploring character descriptions, story writing and non- chronological reports.
In maths we will be learning about place value, addition and subtraction and the children will have lots of opportunities to reason and solve problems. We will also be working really hard to practise our 2,5 and 10 times tables.
Come and See
In our Come and See our first topic is all about Beginnings. The children will be reflecting on new beginnings in their lives and how the world began. We will also be learning about signs and symbols and the sacrament of Baptism.
In science we are learning about Living things in their habitats. We will be learning about the plants and animals that live in different habitats and the conditions they need to live there. We will also be looking at food chains. The children will be taking part in investigations and lots of practical activities outside in our school garden.
In geography the children will be learning about Continents and Oceans of the world. They will learn about climate zones, human and physical features.
In music the children will be learning all about rhythm and different types of songs in the unit ‘Pulse, rhythm and Heartbeat.’ They will also be learning how to play the glockenspiel as part of this unit. They will also have the opportunity to perform as a whole class.
In art the children will be learning about collage and the different materials that can be used to add texture to a piece of art work. We will be using the theme ‘Animals’, linked to our science topic. As a final outcome the children will be producing their own animal mask designs using different materials to add colour and texture to their work.
In computing our topic is ‘Making Games’, where the children will be creating their own game and will learn how to code. The children will have a visit from The Knowsley CLC team for a day who will teach them all about this topic. The children will also be using the computers to gather research linked to our science and geography topics. They will learn how to use a keyboard, copy and paste and create an information poster. They will also have lots of opportunities to practise Times Table Rock Stars.
Useful information
- Reading books are changed on a weekly basis. Please ensure you read with your child as often as possible. Year 2 is an important year and their ability to read and understand texts is crucial.
- Homework- Reading, spellings and times table homework will be given out regularly.
- Every child will be given an oxford owl password and Times table rock star, which can be accessed at home. User names and passwords have been given to each child in year 2. Please come and see me if you need this information resending.
- PE- PE days are Tuesdays. Please ensure children wear their PE kits on their PE day.
Please find below the year 2 spelling list which the children need to know how to read and spell.
Thank you
Mrs Reddin