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Year 6

Yr 6

Welcome to Our Year 6 Class Page!

Teacher: Mrs Wynne
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Reid

General Information

  • Children will enter the school via Y5/6 door. It opens at 8.45am and closes at 8.55 am, after this time your child will receive a late mark. Children can be collected at this door at 3.10. Children who have a signed letter to walk home, will also leave at 3.10pm. Letters are available in class.

  • Our PE day is a Thursday. Children are asked to come into school wearing their kit on their PE day, wearing their school PE kit.

  • Spellings will be sent home on a Friday to be tested on the following Friday.

  • Homework will be set on a Friday to be completed by the Friday of the following week. Homework may be set on SATs Companion or Times Table Rock Stars, Children have been given their personal logins for these websites (see links below).

  • We encourage water bottles, filled with water only, to be brought into class. Children can replenish their water when they need to. We ask that children do not bring in glass water bottles as we’ve had a few breakages in the past.

  • Children are allowed to bring in a healthy snack for breaktimes.

  • Home readers have been sent out and we would like them to be returned at least once per week so that we can read with the children and exchange them as often as we can. If your child is reading a longer novel, we ask that they note how many pages they have read in their reading record.

  • We have an excellent free online reading library that the children or parents can use on electronic devices

Over autumn term we will be learning:

Come and see

Our class will explore Christian teachings and values within the varied topics of:

Loving, vocation and Commitment and Expectations.

In other faiths, we will be learning about Judaism and the significance of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.


Through our English work we will be learning about the skills needed to become an excellent reader and writer. We will do this through a core text that we will study.

Our first core text is ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’, which is a child’s perspective on WWII and the impact on lives through this moving and intriguing mystery novel. During this sequence of work, we will delve into ‘On the Move’, a series of poems relating to migration and displacement. Written by the talented Michael Rosen and illustrated by the wonderful Quentin Blake.

Next, we will explore the picture book story ‘The Viewer’ about a young boy named Tristan, a curious boy who rescues all sorts of objects from the rubbish dump, finds an old Viewmaster in its elaborate box, complete with a set of disks. He finds that these represent the ages of humankind, seen as a cyclical structure in which patterns of growth and decay are repeated. Tristan becomes more and more drawn in to the world of the disks, and eventually disappears.

Alongside our core texts, we will be reading an array of books that the children will most definitely enjoy!


There are many maths skills to master in Year 6. This term we will be learning about: place value; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; fractions ending with measurement (converting units).

Arithmetic is an important area that we will cover daily. We will also complete a weekly arithmetic test that the children will track, focusing on beating their own score.

Times tables is a huge part of mathematics. It is important for the children to know all of their times table facts. We will regularly practise all times table facts and their links with division. To help the children succeed, our school have invested in Times Table Rock Stars ( TTRS gives children essential practise of times tables skills through enjoyable game play. We often set competitions which can be within class, against classes or even against other schools! Each of our children have their own login that have been sent home. Please feel free to contact us if there are any issues.


Our science lessons will focus on two areas, knowledge and understanding and working scientifically. Each unit will incorporate both aspects to give children a deeper understanding of the topic being learned. The topics we will learn in autumn term are:

  • Light
  • Animals Including Humans circulation, exercise and keeping healthy


Our history topics help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It aims to inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past. Children will develop vital skills such as: the ability to think critically; analyse evidence; ask perceptive questions and developing perspective and judgement. It will help our children to identify and understand the challenges of our time through the process of change.

Our topic this term is ‘What was the impact WW2 on the people of Britain?’. During the topic we will be delving into the causes and consequences of war on life in Britain.


Through geography we aim to equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. We aim to equip children with geographical skills.

Our topic this term is ‘Would you like to live in the desert?’. In this unit, the children will find out more about biomes and deserts around the world. We will learn about the uses of deserts and the ever-changing impact of climate change.


Through our chosen topics the children will learn a range of skills such as recognising and writing musical notation, playing instruments, singing and understanding and using technical vocabulary. Our autumn topic is dynamics, pitch and texture (Theme: Coast – Fingal’s Cave by Mendelssohn). We also take part in a weekly singing session.


We will be exploring the work of Henry Moore, with a key focus on his WW2 drawings. Through this topic the children will be sharpening their skills using a range of media to create pieces of art of their own.


This term children will be using and refining a range of skills through different areas of Physical Education. Our topics this term are:

  • Tennis
  • Swimming
  • Dance


Our Computing topics are arranged by 4 areas of learning: Digital Literacy; Computer Science; Information Technology and Byte size and fun. Throughout the year we will cover each of these at least once. Our topics for this term are:

  • My online Life
  • Online Safety dilemmas
  • VR Worlds

Design Technology (DT)

Our DT topics give children the skills to study, design, develop, apply, implement and evaluate, enabling them to create a final product. Our topic this term is ‘Textiles’ where we will be working on the theme- ‘make do and mend’ linked to WWII.


In PSHE we look at topics that deal with variety of issues in daily life, such as: health and wellbeing; relationships; living in the wider world and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education).

This term our topics will be:

  • Anti-bulling
  • Online safety
  • Created and Loved by God
  • Journey in Love

Modern Foreign Languages

At St Joseph the Worker we are learning Spanish! Our topics for autumn term are:

  • Dates in Spanish
  • Pets in Spanish


We love being in school! We have wonderful learning opportunities coming up and it would be a shame for our children to miss out on any of it. Our school target is to have classes with 100% attendance, when this happens, the children are rewarded as a class such as having a non-uniform day. If it happens more frequently, a bigger reward is needed! In class, we monitor attendance and punctuality daily and use a display to keep track of our success. Please see below for our school attendance colour codes:

96% Green
93% yellow
90% Amber
89.9% or below Red


Children collect Dojos for following our three school rules; to be ready, respectful and resilient. These are recorded on the dojo app. This is a great tool for parents to stay up to date with what is happening within class and to see your child’s Dojo progress. Sign up today!

Useful Links

Curriculum Overviews

Mathematics Overview of Learning

Multiplication and Division facts year group expectations

Class Gallery

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