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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

The children have made a great start to life in the juniors.

The Year 3 Team

Class teachers:  Mrs Ormandy / Miss Mousley
Teaching Assistant: Mr Moorhouse

Autumn Curriculum


  • Place Value
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Multiplication and Division


Core Texts:

  • Stone Age Boy
  • Baba Yaga
  • Polar Express


  • Rocks and Soils
  • Light


1st Half term:  Creation and Covenant
2nd Half Term:  Christmas (Season of Advent) – Prophecy & Promise


Charanga Model Music Curriculum Scheme: Pulse, Rhythm and Pitch


Extreme Earth – Why do people live near Volcanoes?
(Volcanoes,  Earthquakes,  Tsunamis)


Stone-age to Iron-Age
Key Question:  Would you have preferred to live in the Stone, Bronze or Iron Age?

Art & Design:

Stone-age cave paintings, inspired by Las Caux caves.  Early art history.


Textiles (Christmas Stockings)


My Online Life: Digital Literacy and Online Safety. 


Spanish greetings with puppets.


1st Half term – Tennis / 2nd Half term – Dance

Key Information

PE this half term will be on a Monday.  Children are required to come into school wearing their kit.  A yellow T-shirt/Polo shirt, navy or black bottoms.

It is important that children have a pair of pumps in school with their name in so they can change into these if working in the hall.  This is to keep the hall floor clean as the children sit on the floor.


Spellings will be given out on a Monday and children will be tested on a Friday.

Reading Books: 

The children’s books will be changed as and when returned. 

Children receiving Read, Write, Inc books will be required to read their book at least 3 times before returning it to school.  This is to support learning, as these books are linked to the sounds children will be learning that week. Over-learning and repetition is important for progress.

We encourage you to please read at home as much as possible with your child.

Key Information

PE – Year Three PE day is a Monday morning. Children to come in wearing their PE kit and will remain in them all day.

Homework – Sent out Friday to be returned the following Friday.

Spellings – Sent out Friday to be tested on them the following Friday.

Reading Books – Aim to read two pages per night. Reading books will be changed every Wednesday and Friday.

Curriculum Overviews

Mathematics Overview of Learning

Multiplication and Division facts year group expectations

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