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School & Eco Council

Pupil wellbeing

Council members felt it was important to make sure all pupils felt happy, safe and supported on their return to school after lockdown.  They decided to devise a questionnaire to gather their feelings so any help needed could be put in place.

Anti-Bullying Week

The school Council met to discuss ways of letting everyone know about Anti Bullying Week and posters were displayed throughout the School to encourage everyone to get involved. A list was made of exciting ideas and things to do throughout the week.

All the children especially enjoyed taking part in the national ‘Odd Sock Day’ event to promote the message of individuality, acceptance and tolerance.

Christmas Fayre

Every Christmas our School Council have a special part to play in our Christmas Fayre in order to help raise much needed funds. This year due to Covid secure measures being in place the Christmas Fayre will look quite different but our School Council will still be playing their part. They are currently busy coming up with ideas for a fun raffle.

Anti-Bullying Week

The school council met today to discuss the ideas they have gathered from pupils regarding activities for Anti-Bullying week.

Design a poster competition was a popular choice. The children were keen on having anti bullying wrist bands so members decided to make and sell some to raise money for our school fund.

Members liked the idea of an ‘Odd Sock’ day or ‘Blue Monday’ were children come to school wearing something blue in support of the anti-bullying slogan ‘Befriend, Learn, Understand and Empathize’.

An ‘anti-bullying’ survey was also something children thought would be helpful in order to combat bullying and help pupils feel safe and happy in school. Members came up with a variety of questions they thought would be useful for finding out children’s feelings regarding bullying, how safe they felt and how as a school we could make things better.

FoodBank Visit

Our school Council thoroughly enjoyed their visit to our local Foodbank when the children delivered all the food generously donated during Harvest Festival.

During a tour of the Foodbank the children were keen to ask lots of questions and gained an insight to its working and issues faced by members of the community who use its services. The children returned to school with an understanding of problems faced by families who are supported by the Foodbank and could share this knowledge on such things as debt, unemployment, sanctioned benefits and household emergencies that can throw any family into crisis at any time.

Harvest Festival

The School Council are now keen to visit our local Foodbank to deliver all the generous donations of food received into school during our Harvest Festival celebrations.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

The School Council took part in their first fundraising project hosting the Macmillan coffee morning, which was enjoyed by all our school family. The event was hugely successful and raised over £160.

Eco School

Our school is committed to improving its environmental performance and our Eco-Committee is the driving force behind our Eco-Schools work.  The Eco-Committee holds termly meetings where they discuss plan and help to implement various initiatives to help our school on its way to becoming environmentally friendly and obtaining the Green Flag Eco-Schools status.

Eco Friendly School

Everyone here at St Joseph the Worker is always keen to ensure we look after our environment and the school council work hard to ensure we do our best to be an eco-friendly school.

During today’s meeting members were looking at ideas to tackle the problem of litter. Some members volunteered to be litter monitors and decided to discuss the litter problem at playtime, in assembly, by reminding children to dispose of their litter responsibly and recycle when possible. Members also decided to make posters to help get this message across.


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