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Admissions Arrangements

Parents can find out about our admission arrangements through the local authority by clicking on the links below:

Reception Admissions letter

Further information can be obtained by telephoning the school on 0151 477 8173

Admissions Policy 2021-2022

Admissions Policy 2022-2023

Admissions Policy and Arrangements 2023-24

Admissions Policy and Arrangements 2025-26

You can make an objection to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) if you think that the admissions arrangements of a maintained school or an academy do not comply with the ‘School Admissions Code’ (the Code) or other legislation relating to school admissions. Details of how to object are available on The latest date for submission is 30 June.

Pupils with Statements of Special Educational Need (SEN) or Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)

A statement of SEN/EHCP is a document which states the needs and provision to be made for individual pupils who have more needs than the average pupil. Where a pupil has a final statement of SEN/EHCP and the Authority has named a particular school as provision, the child must normally be admitted. Where such pupils are known about at the time of the annual allocation procedures, they will be placed within the admission number, with priority over others.  Further information is available from the Knowsley Primary Education Admissions booklet Primary Admissions booklet 2017 – 2018

In Year Admissions (for all other age groups)

In year admission form

If you wish to apply for a place in any year group during the school year please fill in the above form and return to the school.  If a place is unavailable the school will hold the form until a place becomes available.  If there are more applications than places the criteria in the school’s Admission Policy will apply.

For further information and advice please contact –


Knowsley Council, PO Box 21, Archway Road, Huyton, L36 9YU
TELEPHONE: (0151) 443 5143

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