Our Special Needs Co-ordinator is Ms Shelley Lopez (Bed Hons, National Qualification for SEN) and can be contacted via the school office on 0151 477-8170.
SEND home learning resources
- Children’s books with characters with SEN
- Oak National Academy specialist classroom
- BBC Bitesize Parents’ Toolkit: SEND
- Useful Websites for Parents
- SEND online
- SEND online interactive activities
- www.senbooks.co.uk
- www.do2learn.com
Online Safety
Connect with respect KS2 SEND
This is a new resource from Childnet that includes stories for keeping children aged 7-11 years old with SEND safe online. It also includes educators guidance:
Support for Pupils within the Community
Vibe – Junor INC:
Vibe have a new cohort of Junior INC starting after Christmas from 10th January. The aim of the club is to support young people aged 8 years old to 13 years old with learning difficulties and disabilities, to develop personally and socially in a safe and caring environment. Junior INC will run every Friday from 3:30pm-5:30pm for young people aged 8-12 with inclusive needs.
Email juniorinc@vibeuk.org to be sent a referral form.
Knowsley SEND YouTube Channel:
- Let’s Talk About: The Youth Voice Forum
- Let’s Talk About: The Local Offer Website
- About Me: Adam Wheatley (Consultation Engagement Officer)
Knowsley Local Offer
Knowsley Borough Council can also offer advice and support regarding SEND.
The Knowsley Local Offer is available on www.knowsleyinfo.co.uk
Support for Parents
- Knowsley Parent Carers Voice: Knowsley Parent Carers Voice is the forum for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with SEN who live in Knowsley. We meet to talk about issues that affect us, our children and our families. We liaise and meet with council officials and health service providers with a view to help improve services. KPCV steering group are all parent carers themselves who have a wide range of life experiences between us, the members are volunteers. We understand the difficulties that come with getting the right services and the challenges parents with a SEN child / young person have to go through. We host monthly coffee mornings at various locations across the borough, at these events we have guest speakers from Advice services, Education, Health, Social care and various other services chosen by your parent feedback. Any Knowsley parent carer can attend our coffee mornings and SEND events, you can register via infokpcv@gmail.com.
- ADDvanced Solutions: ADDvanced Solutions Community Network’s (ASCN)community-based groups, programmes, and opportunities raise awareness, develop skills, share learning experiences, and build confidence. The team support children, young people, and families in Knowsley living with neurodevelopmental conditions, learning difficulties and associated mental health needs. Read about ASCN’s offer in Knowsley by visiting the link below, where you can also find a link to their latest newsletter and Autumn/Winter What’s On guide. ADDvanced Solutions
- Preventative Support for Behaviour that Challenges – ADDvanced Solutions are delivering a 12 to 24 month pilot providing support to families where children & young people display behaviour that challenges, due to either mental distress and/or a neurodevelopmental condition and are unlikely to meet CAMHS or PBSS thresholds. Support is being provided in the form of network groups, family learning workshops, and coaching for young people. The service can be contacted via 0151 486 1788 or Email: info@addvancedsolutions.co.uk and more info found at www.addvancedsolutions.co.uk
- KPCV are looking for volunteers – Looking for a new challenge? Do you have 10 hours a month free? KPCV always welcome volunteers to join the team. If you have a passion to make a difference for children/young people with SEND 0-25 or just want to help at a coffee morning or SEND event then please email KPCV for further details.
- Parent support for children who are on the Knowsley ASC or ADHD Pathway
- Speech and Language Therapy support for parents:
- Apple Podcast – Speech and Language
- Knowsley Better Together
If you have any feedback on the services you are receiving, please tell us. You can email sendadmin@knowsley.gov.uk
The Knowsley Parent Carer Voice (KPCV) can be contacted via email at infokpcv@gmail.com
Parents & carers and children & young people with SEND can contact SEND IASS for impartial information, advice and support via telephone on 0800 012 9066 (option 2 for Knowsley) or via email at liverpoolandknowsleysend@wired.me.uk
SEND IASS also have their own newsletter, to subscribe email iasmanager@wired.me.uk
Local Support for Parents, Carers and Children with SEND
Liverpool & Knowsley SENDIASS Update – Liverpool & Knowsley SEND IASS are a free, easy to access and confidential service for children, young people with SEND and their families in Liverpool & Knowsley. SEND IASS means Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, Information, Advice and Support Service. Liverpool & Knowsley SEND IASS provide information and advice about what the law says in relation to SEND, education, health and care. We help children, young people and their parents/carers understand their rights and entitlements. We want to reach more children and young people directly. If you are a young person, a parent/carer, or a professional working with young people and have any suggestions for social media groups, information sessions or anything else – please contact Joanne McKenna, or speak to Adam Wheatley (Knowsley SEND Team). Thanks in advance, Liverpool & Knowsley SEND IASS Team.
Contact number 0800 0129066.
SEND IASS also have their own newsletter, to subscribe email iasmanager@wired.me.uk
- Little Stars Knowsley – A family support group for parents/carers of children aged 0-6 with learning and communication difficulties. Contact littlestars-knowsley@gmail.com
- Sunrise Club – A support group for parents of disabled children and their children. Contact sunriseclub2010@gmail.com
- Moonbeams – A support group for parents and carers of children with additional needs. Contact moonbeams2011@hotmail.co.uk
- ESP (Extra Special People) – A family support group. Contact Helen on 07979544714
- Knowsley Carers Centre – www.knowsleycarers.co.uk
- Person Shaped Support- Independent support for parents and their children with a range of needs- www.psspeople.com
- Scope- A charity that provides support, information and advice to families and their children with disabilities- www.scope.org.uk
Short Breaks Provision
- For short breaks for families living in Knowsley who have a child with a disability aged 0-19 please contact 0151 443 5601.
- Jus Kidz-Contact- Jus-kidz@hotmail.com
- Working with parents to support learning of pupils who use EAL
- https://www.doctorsoftheworld.org.uk/coronavirus-information/
ASC Support
- Parent support for children who are on the Knowsley ASC or ADHD Pathway
- KNOWSLEY Directory of Services
- A Guide to Help and Support Families
- After Diagnosis
- The National Autistic Society
https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/what-is-autism/autistic-women-and-girls Phone number: 0845 0704004 - Explaining Autism
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbwRrVw-CRo A short video called Amazing Things happen
– https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b097bs09/pabloPablo is a series about a young person with autism. This is aimed at younger primary aged children - Supporting children with ASC and their diet
– Autism and Food Aversions: 7 Ways to Help a Picky Eater | Autism Speaks
– Five Tips for Introducing New Foods to Your Child with Autism (appliedbehavioranalysisprograms.com)
–Tips for Picky Eating and Autism (behavioral-innovations.com)
– There are some social stories here that might help: Trying New Foods Social Stories (happylearners.info)
- Autism in girls video by Tony Attwood
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfOHnt4PMFo
– https://www.amazon.co.uk/What-Every-Autistic-Wishes-Parents-ebook/dp/B01N7R7Z07/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1607901044&refinements=p_27%3AAutism+Women%27s+Network&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&text=Autism+Women%27s+Network - Girls and Autism: Flying Under the Radar
- Autistic Girls Network: Keeping it all inside
ADHD Support
All referrals to the ADHD Pathway are now made directly to Alder Hey. Please follow the link below for more information.
For more information regarding ADHD and its management please follow the links below:
- ADHD Foundation – https://www.adhdfoundation.org.uk/
- ADDISS – http://www.addiss.co.uk/
- ADDvanced solutions – http://www.addvancedsolutions.co.uk/
SEND Review Dates
Year 1: 27th March 2025
Year 2: 26th March 2025
Year 3: 19th March 2025
Year 4: 21st March 2025
Year 5: 24th March 2025
Year 6: 17th March 2025
You will receive a letter by post, by parent app and via class dojo with the designated review time for your child.
After the review if you or your child, or both of you could please fill in the survey below it would be much appreciated
EHCP Annual Reviews